Due Diligence
Aries understands that environmental due diligence is an important tool to reduce liability during property transactions. A properly conducted Phase I ESA protects the potential property owner from inheriting liability associated with hazardous waste and/or petroleum contamination on the site property or threatening the site property. Aries has completed due diligence assessments for commercial properties ranging from small farm plots to complex commercial and industrial facilities.
Because of Aries’ experience, Aries’ staff has the ability to thoroughly and systematically review large quantities of site data while remaining efficient by identifying key documents and information. Our staff’s vast experience and training in the environmental field allows us to identify environmental risks that may otherwise be overlooked during property transactions. Our knowledge of federal and state regulations allows us to provide guidance on reducing the risk of inheriting liability. A properly conducted Phase I ESA is an absolute necessity when entering into a property transaction to identify recognized environmental conditions.
ASTM E1527-21 Phase I Environmental Site Assessments
Transaction Screening Process
Recognized environmental conditions (RECs)
Historical recognized environmental conditions (HRECs)
Controlled recognized environmental conditions (CRECs)
Business environmental risks (BERs)
Historical aerial photograph reviews,
Sanborn Fire Insurance maps
EPA All Appropriate Inquiry
Environmental liability protections under CERCLA
ALTA Surveys
Property Condition Assessments (PCA)