Remediation Design & Implementation

Since the 1980s, Aries has designed and implemented remedial actions for our clients carefully listening to their needs and future property use to adjust our remedial design to meet the clients’ needs while still meeting the governing regulations. Aries successfully conducted our remediation designs offering solutions for commercial/industrial properties from coastal areas to the mountains and in between.  Therefore, our remedial designs were applied to contaminated coastal zones with contaminated sediments, riverfronts, fractured bedrock, thick sand and gravel water supply aquifers, and upland zones with thin soils. Aries has assisted clients with shutting down and transitioning from long-term pump and treatment systems to in-situ treatment technologies designed to effectively remove more contaminant mass reducing time to closure. Aries combines beneficial remedial technologies together in the remediation design to control risks, reduce liability, allow property reuse potential, and reach an effective closure 

  • In-situ chemical oxidation/reduction

  • Permeable reactive barriers

  • Bioremediation and bioaugmentation

  • Thermal remediation

  • In-situ flushing

  • Dredging & capping contaminated sediments

  • Phytoremediation

  • Soil Managment Plans